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College Health Expert - Answers to Your Questions about Student Health

Get phone call and email advice to help you or your student be healthy and successful. Get answers about student services related to health and academic success; health and wellness needs; leading health impediments to academic success; services, programs, policies and laws that can help your student. Topics can be stress management, nutrition, fitness, sleep, alcohol and other drugs, infectious diseases, financial aid. Get help determining the best offices and people to contact at your campus.

Option 1

30-minute Phone Call and Email Follow-up

Ask your questions and get recommendations and help on the call. Get a follow-up email with clarification and detailed help.

Ask another set of up to 2 questions by email and receive an email reply.


Option 2

60-minute Phone Call (or two 30-minute calls) and Email Follow-ups

Ask your questions and get recommendations and help on the call.
Get a follow-up email with clarification and detailed help.

Ask, in two (2) emails, up to 2 questions per email and receive an email reply to each email.


Sign Up

Sign up and purchase at College Counselor Network

Click on this link College Counselor Network

At the page describe what would you like to talk about.

You will be asked to pay by credit card.