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Jim Grizzell, MBA, MA
 CHES Logo ACSM Certified Health Fitness Instructor Logo
Master Certified Health Education Specialist #2670
ACSM Health Fitness Specialist #17
28 years of health education experience


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Healthy People 2020 National Health Goals Draft Model from 2007 (pdf)

Healthy People 2020 National Health Goals

Healthy People 2010 National Health Goals



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Measuring Progress for Healthy People Objectives

Healthy People 2020 > Implementing Healthy People > Track > Measuring Progress

It is important to be able to show whether your programs are effective in achieving your target. Follow these basic formulas to calculate baseline, target, and achieved rates for the selected health outcome.

Annual Percent Change Calculator using Rates (Excel sheet)

This measure can be used to track whether progress is on course and determine whether the Healthy People 2020 objectives will be reached. It provides the amount of decline each year that is needed to reach the target. Example for rates: see objective C-8 Reduce the melanoma cancer death rate

Annual Percent Change using Proportions (Excel sheet)

This measure can be used to track whether progress is on course and determine whether the Healthy People 2020 objectives will be reached. It provides the amount of decline each year that is needed to reach the target. Example for proportions: see objective IVP-15 Increase use of safety belts

Percent of Target Achieved (Excel sheets with charts)

This equation is used in measuring progress for each objective:

Source: Adapted from Healthy People 2010 Toolkit: A Field Guide to Health Planning. Developed by the Public Health Foundation, under contract with the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office of Public Health and Science, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (p. 97). People Toolkit.pdf


Health Education Partners is a designated provider (MEP 3305) of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC)..

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