

Thank you for signing up for the Gun Violence Prevention: CDC Public Health, Evidence-Based and Constitutional Approaches course. It is a National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC) approved self-study online course for CHES®/MCHES®.


Feel free to send email to clarify course requirements and tell me about problems you may have while doing the course. Please remember that you will need to take that 10 question test and pass with a score of 70% or greater. Both must be completed to get the 17.0 CECH certificate..


The web addresses are:


Self-Study Guide (be sure to use this to make it easiest to go through the course)



Course Test (on SurveyMonkey, true/false, multiple choice and short answer question test, be sure cookies are enabled - instructions are in the Study Guide).



Upon test completion use this online form to notify Health Education Partners you completed the test: www.healthedpartners.org/verify-course-completion.html. This will help get your completion certificate to you faster. Using the form provides same day notification.

Please contact me if you have any questions or difficulties. I want this to be a great learning experience for you.


Best Regards,


Jim's Signature

 Jim Grizzell, MBA, MA, MCHES®, ACSM-EP-C, FACHA


Online Self-Study Courses

Online Self-Study Course - 2.0  to 17 Category 1 CECH, $12 - $37 per course


NCHEC Provider 100538


C - 909-856-3350

E - jimgrizzell@healthedpartners.orgjvgrizzell@cpp.edu

W - www.facebook.com/jimgrizzell3

W - www.twitter.com/jimgrizzell